13.2. Capture

Shortcuts separated by a comma represent equivalents or alternatives, not a sequence. Shortcuts may include vi mappings, GTK+ menu equivalents, and common keyboard keys.

Table 13.6. Playback and Navigation Commands

Operation Shortcut
Play space-bar
Stop Esc
Forward one frame l, right-arrow
Backward one frame h, left-arrow, Ctrl+H
Forward scan w, W, e, W
Reverse scan b, B
Previous index 0, ^, k, -, up-arrow
Next index $, j, -, down-arrow
Rewind gg, Home
Fast forward G, End

Table 13.7. Mode Switching Commands

Operation Shortcut
Edit Esc, F2
Timeline v, F4
Trim t, F5
FX C, F6
Export :W, F7

Table 13.8. General Commands

Operation Shortcut
Start capture Enter
Repeat last command .
Preferences Ctrl+P
Open file Ctrl+O
Save movie :w, Ctrl+S
Quit :q, Ctrl+Q
Go to frame :<numeric>Enter

While this is about keyboard control, it is also a good place to mention how the mouse wheel works.

Table 13.9. Mouse Wheel Commands

Operation (Modifier+)Sroll Direction
Increase shuttle Ctrl+down
Decrease shuttle Ctrl+up